
Java based resource editor for PalmOS applications

Last updated: 18th February 2001

PilRCEdit is a Java based graphical editor for PilRC .rcp files, used to develop UI's for Palm devices. It is currently under development and any bug reports, fixes or suggestions are welcome.


The more astute amongst you will have noticed that there has been a little more activity than usual around this SourceForge site over the last week or so. Well that's because Rob Nielsen, the original author and maintainer of this software, has very kindly entrusted me with the responsibility for PilRCEdit from now on. I see a lot of potential in this little editor and thought it would be a shame for it to remain stagnant, so I put my coding skills where my mouth is and volunteered to be responsible for it's future development and upkeep.

I'll be putting a more useful (and pretty) web site together in the near future so check back soon for more info. In the meantime, use the SourceForge tools to submit bug reports or feature requests and I'll attempt to get around to them all before too long. The latest source (v0.42) is still available from Rob's original PilRCEdit page, until I get the CVS version up to date.

Craig Aspinall

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